Affiliate Marketing

A cost-effective approach to business growth.

Grow performance-based and risk-free with affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is an important part of every online merchant’s performance marketing mix. It is an online marketing channel for bundling multiple collaborations with different websites that want to monetize their traffic by advertising shops or deals.

It is controlled and managed through an affiliate program offered by the advertiser to affiliate publishers who join on the advertiser’s terms.

Publisher compensation is primarily performance-based: the advertiser pays a commission when a sale or lead is generated and validated. The amount of this commission is determined by the advertiser, making affiliate marketing an extremely low-risk channel for advertisers.

How to excel with affiliate marketing

Specialized knowledge is a must.

Affiliate marketing has a lot to offer advertisers, but there are some challenges.

You need to have in-depth knowledge of your market(s) to find a commission model that keeps your cost of sales low and still attracts publishers. You need to provide the right technical infrastructure, ad media, information, and more to enable publishers to successfully advertise your offering.

And because affiliate marketing is an open marketplace, it also attracts scammers. It takes knowledge and experience to maintain high publisher quality in your program and to prevent paying commissions that are not connected to real value.

It’s all about making connections

Affiliate marketing is attractive and scalable – but it is also a lot of work.

It is a people business and you work with dozens or hundreds of partners. It’s important to be well-connected, to stay in touch with all relevant players and to keep abreast of the latest developments in the market. To have the most attractive publishers in the program, you’ll need to actively reach out to them. Securing the most attractive promotional placements is another recurring task. And a sophisticated tracking setup needs to be implemented and maintained.

Especially if you’re operating an international program and/or using more than one affiliate network, things can quickly get complex – in terms of communication and maintenance, but also in terms of data management and information aggregation.

Why we’re the ideal partner

We are an independent agency unaffiliated with any other player on the market which makes us a neutral and critical advisor.

With over 20 years of experience in affiliate marketing, we have a highly qualified staff, some of whom have 10 or 15 years of experience in affiliate marketing.

We’re well connected in the industry: in Germany, for example, we’re part of the BVDW council, we’re certified by all the relevant affiliate networks every year, and you’ll find us at all the relevant business events – on stage and in the crowd.

Why we’re the ideal partner.

How we’ll grow your affiliate program

We know the top publishers and how to get them to your affiliate program. And we also know how to identify the questionable ones and how to keep program quality high.

We’re experienced in working with large corporations as well as SMEs, across all relevant industries and internationally, running over 200 programs in 44 different markets in the last five years.

With TripleA, we have our own proprietary data console to consolidate all information from different affiliate networks and/or programs, making it easy and efficient to understand and manage complex program structures.

TripleA and the use of AI enable in-depth data insights and automated alerts on conspicuous data trends, simplifying key routine program management tasks.

Our range of service offerings

As affiliate marketing experts, we offer a broad spectrum of services for existing affiliate programs and for yet-to-start programs, as well, including:

  • Audits, consulting and workshops to unlock potential in existing programs.
  • Project-based support for key events such as program setups or program migrations between networks.
  • 360° support for end-to-end management of all facets of a new or ongoing affiliate program.
Our range of service offerings.
The TripleA advantage

The TripleA advantage

TripleA, our central data hub, allows us to centrally control several discrete network programs (such as separate programs for several regional markets and/or affiliate networks), thus reducing the complexity of program management.

TripleA aggregates all KPIs from all connected network programs into one powerful dashboard, making all data easy to access for us and for you as our client.

Through its tracking capabilities, TripleA can also be used to connect and control direct partnerships in addition to public network partners.

Client cases


Use case: Telekom.

Since 2007, Artefact has been the supervising affiliate marketing agency of the Deutsche Telekom Privatkunden-Vertrieb GmbH. The main focuses are the fields of mobile communications, DSL & internet, and television and business customers. Since 2013, an adserver has been deployed which monitors the performance across all online channels. The generated data is analyzed and optimized in a common attribution.

The main objective of the program is maximizing sales (mainly contracts) in connection with increasing the new customer rate. This objective is realized through close coordination of numerous performance channels, the acquisition and development of partnerships and close cooperation with our customer, networks and partners.

Impact and key results
By setting up data-driven partnerships with platforms and publishers, we were able to increase our campaign performance by 100% by serving 3.6 Bn ad impressions per year.

→ 3,6 Bn Ad Impression per year.
→ Continuous YOY sales & turnover increase.


Use case: Lufthansa Group.

The Deutsche Lufthansa Group is one of the world’s leading airline groups. The goal of each airline within the affiliate channel was to increase online bookings with a global strategy and respect for local specifics at the center of all activities.

To increase global online bookings within the affiliate channel, a dedicated roll-out map was set up in accordance with the Group. Following this roll-out map, 40 markets were set up in less than one year within four different affiliate networks. The SWISS affiliate program is live within 11 countries and has one international program for “rest of world”.

Impact and key results
The centralized management of numerous affiliate marketing campaigns for the Lufthansa Group, combined with our international expertise, has resulted in:
• Consistent year-over-year growth in affiliate programs.
• Constant increase in net value, booking and speed.
• Client loyalty for more than 10 years.
• Successful long term partnerships with affiliates.

→ Internationalization has resulted in approximately 75,000 affiliates.
→ Pursuing a global growth strategy while respecting local specificities: GLOCAL approach.

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