Patricia Kristman, Charles Vatin, Vinicius Guimarães

Webinar Nestlé, Artefact & Treasure Data - American Time

How Nestlé drives Marketing efficiencies and ROI leveraging the “Customer Data Cloud”

On April 25th, join industry experts Patricia Kristman, Head of Data Engineering Governance & Architecture at Nestlé, Charles VATIN, Solutions Engineering Director at Treasure Data, and Vinicius Guimarães, Senior Data Consultant at Artefact in this webinar on the topic:

How is Nestlé driving Marketing efficiencies & ROI with the Customer Data Cloud

Nestlé Brazil was facing rapidly changing consumer habits and needed to internalise consumer data management and develop personalised connections with their customers.
Supported by Artefact for vendor selection and deployment, they leveraged this opportunity to drive their digital transformation by implementing an enterprise CDP.

This project enabled better usage of first-party data and data democratisation throughout the company.

  • Hear from industry experts (Nestlé, Artefact, Treasure Data) on driving greater customer experiences (CX), while improving your marketing efficiency and deriving better business value.

  • Learn how Nestlé, the world’s largest food & beverage company, went about selecting and implementing a CDP solution in only 92 days – requirement, process, metrics, architecture, results, etc.

  • See examples of how Nestlé differentiated itself by taking advantage of the customer data and implementing innovative use cases.

Additional Details

Headline - Webinar Nestlé, Artefact & Treasure Data - American Time

Language - english

Organisers - artefact_france

Registration Button Text - watch_replay

Replay Button URL -

TimeZone - America/New_York

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

April 25 2023 - 1:00PM to 2:00PM America/New_York



Event Type



Artefact France
